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Men’s mental health: breaking barriers to therapy
Let’s first start by saying this does apply to all people, despite gender - mental health issues don’t discriminate and anyone is...

The power of group thinking
Imagine all of our brains thinking together. Two minds are greater than one, right? But we are used to imagining our thinking as...

5 things to try for better self-love this Valentine’s Day
When we think about the month of Feb, we picture heart-shaped helium balloons, red roses and chocolates. We spend money on expensive...

Channelling anger for positive change
Anger is as unavoidable as it is uncomfortable. Anger is our brain’s way of telling us when we need to...

National Coming Out Day - what's it all about?
Have you ever felt the stress of having to hide something about yourself that you worried others...

Does being LGBTQIA+ mean I’m destined to be depressed?
Whilst mental illnesses can affect anyone, the LGBTQIA+ community experience more.

How to support someone managing a chronic illness
A staggering 15 million people in the UK are managing chronic illnesses. Here's how we can...

Is laughter really the best medicine?
Today is National Play Day and we explore whether playfulness & laughter are good for us...

Do married people live longer?
Sam Ntatalika, wellbeing warrior, investigates whether married people actually live longer.

Do you dare to disagree?
Conflict is inevitable - but the fact that it’s inevitable doesn’t make navigating it any easier.

Is community the missing piece of the wellbeing puzzle?
Research shows that our wellbeing is intimately connected to something much greater than...

How science shatters the myth of male & female brains
Are our brains hardwired to think in a certain way depending on the genitals we're born with?

Just say "no"! Askers vs. guessers - which are you?
Learning how to communicate effectively with others can be tricky, especially when ...

Should my partner and I use separate duvets?
One of the great mysteries of how we sleep is the way we often seem wedded to sharing a duvet with our...
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