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The Power of Not Taking Ourselves Too Seriously: Nurturing Mental Wellbeing
In a world brimming with responsibilities, expectations, and the pursuit of perfection, it's easy to find ourselves trapped in a cycle of...

Contentment is about embracing averageness
If you’ve been in the pursuit of perfection, to be extraordinary, to find greatness, to be the best - you're probably feeling pretty...

Exercise envy: Why we don’t need to be the best at something to enjoy it
When it comes to hobbies or learning new things - heck, even our jobs! - it’s not uncommon that we want to be the best we possibly can be...

Would we be happier embracing averageness?
The pursuit of perfection, to be extraordinary, to find greatness, to be the best, can be exhausting.

A surprising method that could stop us from procrastinating
What makes us prone to procrastination? We all do it - but why? And what can help us put a stop to it?

Don’t let perfect get in the way of good!
As the infamous Fairground song lyric goes: ‘It’s got to be-e-eeee-e perfect’. Or does it? Evidence suggests that...
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