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Beat the bloat - happy world digestive health day!
Cramps, bloating, excessive farting, diarrhoea, constipation, heartburn, indigestion, tummy ache…
How does food impact our mental wellbeing?
The relationship between food and mental health is complex & there is growing evidence...
Eating disorder awareness week - binge eating disorder
What’s the difference between eating a whole packet of hobnobs or 3 donuts in a row and...
Eating disorders explained
According to the NHS, 6.4% of people in England alone have experienced symptoms of...
Can you drown from drinking too much water?
Our amazing human bodies need water to survive. We can survive for around two months without food...
Fibre, poo, and living longer
When we think about ideal health, we don’t automatically think of fibre. It's not glamorous...
Good nutrition - the difference between surviving and thriving
Our bodies are incredibly complex and amazing organisms that need lots of different nutrients to thrive.
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