Summer is definitely the season of spending, sorry for the reminder. From beer gardens to European getaways, weddings and family BBQs, it seems there’s always something to spend on! But with the cost of living on the rise (to put it nicely) and the fact that, generally, adulthood costs an arm and a leg, how can we be more money-savvy over the sunnier months? We don’t have to hibernate at home to save our cash. Read on for our top tips on being a bit more money-savvy this summer.

With everything seeming to be more expensive these days, it’s not unusual that we might want to save as many pennies as we possibly can. There’s a lot going on over summer, most of us have a holiday booked and that’s a lot of money as it is, but there’s so many events, festivals and parties that we’re all invited to that really do add up. We don’t want to have to hide away and make excuses as to why we’ve not left the house in a week, nor do we want to be looking between the sofa cushions for a few extra coins. Instead, we want to be able to manage our finances in a way that’s much healthier for our wellbeing and still allows us to enjoy our summer.
Here’s how:
Home make your gifts and cards
We know, it sounds cheesy and, well, cheap. But it doesn’t have to be, promise. Firstly, it’s a great activity to get the kids involved with - if you’re ok with clearing up paint, glue and stickers where you need to. Maybe you bake a cake for that birthday party, or you personalise a card with your dog’s paw prints. Not only does it scream ‘look how much effort I put into this!’ but it’s sentimental and something your friends and loved ones will want to keep forever (hopefully). And if not, at least it kept the kids quiet for an hour during the summer holidays.
Stay in instead
Although we don’t encourage hibernating until September, (gotta soak up that Vit D whilst it’s here!) if you're looking to save a few pennies, staying in can be a great alternative. Home cooking is not only delicious, it’s much more cost effective than takeaways, pints and fancy restaurants. Whilst it’s great to do those things every now and then, there’s so much to get creative with at home. Whether it’s hosting your very own Come Dine With Me, or a garden movie night, grab your best pals, your mum, your dog - whoever you enjoy spending time with - and see how you can make the most of your home during the warmer days.
Shop in-season
Food that’s in season is usually more cost efficient, plus, it’s super tasty. Why not explore Pinterest for a yummy salad recipe that you can throw some of your favourite fruits and veggies into? You could even make a day of strolling around your local farm shop or farmer's market. Hey, don’t say we don’t know how to have fun here at Beingwell…
You can click here to find a list of which fruits, vegetables and herbs are in season right now.

Track your spending
Whether you’re a pen and paper or spreadsheet kinda person, find a way to track your spending/ How many times have you checked your bank balance to ask yourself ‘where did that £50 go?’ or ‘What did I spend £20 on?’. We all do it! And it’s really easy to spend a bit here and a lot there. So, tracking literally everything we put money on, in or towards is a fantastic way to keep on top of things and think twice before tapping your card. If you’re super organised, you could split it into categories and give yourself a budget for each one. For example, budget x amount for shopping each month, x amount for food, x amount towards your savings and so on.
Go green
Instead of using the tumble drier, hang your clothes and towels outside on the line or even on a hanger out the window! Take cold showers and even wash your clothes in cold water. Did you know that a huge percentage of our energy bill comes from heating our water for things like doing our laundry? Plus, cold showers are wonderful for our mental and physical health… if you’re brave enough that is. Another way of using the warmer weather to save money is to exercise outside. Grab your running buddies or just a skipping rope and save yourself a month or two off your gym membership. Did we mention the extraordinary benefits of green exercise too? Winner, winner.
Final note: It’s easy to think that we have to spend money in order to have fun, especially during the social summer months. But actually, we can have just as much (if not more!) fun with getting crafty, creative and clever with our spending habits. The cost of living has given us all a bit of a scare, and who doesn’t want a bit of extra cash to put towards your next holiday? So, put your mind at ease and adopt some of these money-savvy habits for the summer. What have you got to lose?!