Wellbeing has become quite the buzzword over the past few years. Wherever we look there seems to be a tonne of contradictory advice on something that should be (relatively) simple: our wellbeing. From juice cleanses to vaginal steaming (yes, really!) and activated charcoal consumption, the internet is awash with different trends which promise to help us feel better. The issue is that so many of these wellness trends promote contradicting, one-size-fits-all approaches, which lack any scientific evidence. This makes taking care of our wellbeing feel like a confusing, complicated, and even expensive, task.

In the face of wellbeing-information overwhelm, we might give up, put on our pj’s, let our eyes gloss over the Netflix screen and gorge on chocolate or guzzle red wine (because we once read somewhere that it’s good for us, right!?) and who can blame us. It’s flippin’ exhausting. Looking after our wellbeing shouldn’t feel like a full-time job.
Being well can and should be accessible, affordable, and scientifically sound. Not about setting unattainable fitness goals, being told we must sleep 8 hours every night, taking pictures of our poo (remember Gillian McKeith?), nor impossible to maintain ‘clean-eating’ regimes.

So, how can we navigate what can feel like a minefield of advice?
Gut instinct – listen to our intuition
As human beings we’re essentially animals, our primal impulses don’t just disappear because we sit and read the news each morning or wipe our bums with lavender-scented loo roll. Stay with me here, there is a point. When we experience a “gut feeling”, the body is carrying out a primal response to subconscious information. In other words, if something feels ‘off’, iffy, dodgy, or downright idiotic, then it probably is. Steer clear.
Give it a go (so long as it’s not harmful)
If our gut instinct isn’t shouting “run for the hills” then assume the open position of:
“If you never try, you’ll never know.”
Even if this means stepping outside of our comfort zone. We might feel slightly nauseous at the thought of group support, psychosexual therapy, counselling, cutting down on our meat or dairy consumption, getting into a bedtime routine to help us sleep better, etc. but what have we got to lose by trying? So long as it’s not harmful to us then give it a go.

Check the research – is it scientifically sound?
If our bestie is raving about CBD-infused leggings (yep, they’re real), jade vagina eggs, goat yoga, sleep robots, rainbow crystal light therapy, facial acupuncture, ice plunges, or ear seeds as a one-trick pony to our wellbeing, then a pinch of salt may be required. The wellness industry is worth a staggering £3.4 trillion [1], and it’s growing by the day! So, we need to ask ourselves ‘Where’s the research? Is this scientifically sound?’ and ‘Who’s spouting this nonsense… sorry… information?”
For example, if James Wilson, Beingwell’s resident sleep expert (otherwise known as The Sleep Geek) busts the myth of everyone needing to sleep 8-hours a night and then Janice from next door says that she knows for a fact anything less than 8-hours means instantaneous death, who are we to believe?
It’s important for us to say: We’re not sitting on the high ground of moral virtue, espousing 10-easy-steps to a perfect life - Beingwell offers accessible and inclusive expertise which can help each of us on our personal wellbeing journey. Developing good wellbeing takes time, patience, and a willingness to embrace the imperfection in the process (just the same as developing a rock-hard six-pack, or so they tell me…).

#copingwell #wellness #wellbeing #minefield #advice #pinchofsalt #mentalhealth #navigatingwellbeing #nataliecollins #samntatalikas
1. Global Wellness Economy Monitor Report (2018). Global Wellness Institute.